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7 Rookie Mistakes for Beginner Cyclists to Avoid


If you are new to cycling then that is wonderful, you have opened the door to a new world of enjoying the outdoors, better health, and you get to help save the planet at the same time.

Even if you have been a cyclist in the past and are coming back to it after a break, it is important to take the time to refresh your memory on some of the best practices of riding a bike. This way, you won’t get hurt or damage your bike.

1. Spending a fortune on your gear

You will need to spend some money on a decent city bicycle that is safe, as well as a helmet that will protect your head if you get into an accident. What you don’t need right off the bat is a lot of high-performance cycling clothes to look the part. You can get this over time, but you don’t need it all for your first ride. Wait until you get into the swing of things so that you know what accessories you need and those that you won’t use.

2. Setting the seat to low

If you notice after your first few rides that your knees hurt, it may be because you are blowing the cobwebs away and you need time to get used to the exercise. It could also be a sign that your seat is too low for you. Many beginners make this mistake as it can be easier to get on and off the bike with the seat lower. You should experiment by setting the seat a little higher to see if the knee pain is still there.

3. Not getting a bike of the right size

Similar to the height of your seat, your bike needs to be the right size for you if you want to be comfortable and avoid injury. If you are unsure of what size of bike that you need you should feel free to ask an expert at your local bike store. They will be able to size you and make sure that you are not riding a bike that will be uncomfortable for you.

4. Not maintaining your bike

You don’t need to be an expert at keeping your bike in top shape, but you should have it looked at by an expert so that it is regularly tuned. This has the potential to save you a great deal of money in the short and long term.

5. Biting off more than you can chew

You need to take it slow at first if your body is not used to the movement of riding a bike. Start off with short rides before you attempt a long journey. You should build up to a long ride gradually as you don’t want to overdo it and put yourself out of commission.

6. Not knowing how to fix a puncture

You might not be able to fix all punctures, but you should know what to do when you do have one. It is also a good idea to research the local area that you will be riding in so that you know where the nearest bike repair shops are. This can save you a lot of time, energy and frustration.

7. Not using the gears properly

This is where most beginner riders will use too much energy while they ride their bike. Learning how to use different gears effectively can make the difference between an exhausting ride to one that is much more comfortable. If you have any questions about how to do this you should not be shy about asking for help.