Home Business 7 Party Planning Tips for the Rookie Party Host

7 Party Planning Tips for the Rookie Party Host


Party planning or organizing any type of gathering can quickly get out of hand if you’re not used to the planning process. Taking the time to get organized is a step that will save you a lot of stress. This post looks at seven different party planning tips you can’t afford to ignore!

1. Start With A Clean Kitchen

Working from a clean slate is always going to make everything easier. Before going all out with the cooking or rearranging furniture, clean out your sink, empty the dishwasher and take out the trash. No one wants to have to take the garbage out in the middle of the party. Having an empty dishwasher makes it easy for guests to just drop their plates in once they’re done. Starting with a clean kitchen also makes planning less overwhelming.

2. Make A Plan Of Things That Need To Get Done

Use a calendar, online program or something to document your plan. Start by marking the day of the party and working your way backward. It’s a good idea to include mundane chores like laundry, cleaning the house and grocery shopping in your party plans. Make sure you make a detailed list of the things you need, so you don’t have to make multiple trips to the store. It’s also important to remember non-food items such as candles, napkins, ice, bottle openers, and extra seating.

3. Keep Food At The Proper Temperature

Storing the food at the right temperature will make it ready to serve as soon as people arrive. One way to keep dip cold is to hollow out a loaf of bread and leave let it sit in the freezer. During the party, you can use the frozen bread to hold the dip which will keep it cold for a few hours. You can use your slow cooker on the warm setting to keep the hot food ready to serve. People are usually ready to eat once they arrive so try and keep your food ready to go.

4. Get Help Where You Need It

Getting help with the things you struggle with makes party planning a much easier task. If you enjoy setting up the decor and hate cooking, don’t kill yourself to provide all the food. Try and get friends and family to help you and also take advantage of party rentals to add entertainment to your gathering. The time and stress you’ll save by outsourcing is well worth it.

5. Use Pictures To Promote Your Event

If you’re planning a company event or something open to the public, take advantage of pictures. Using pictures in your promotions helps increase the attractiveness of your gathering. You can also rent a pop-up photo booth which will encourage people to take and share photos. Adding a visual element will make your next party more engaging.

6. Make A List For Everyone Involved In The Party Planning

Working from a list is going to make everything easier. Everyone involved in the planning should be working from the same list. Use an online program that allows the list to be updated by each person in real time. When delegating tasks, you’ll need a list to keep everything in check.

7. Try And Make Your Party Environmentally Friendly

Unfortunately, a lot of gatherings end up being pretty wasteful. Do what you can at your party to protect the environment. Make sure recycling is readily available and encourage people to use the same glass all night. You can save paper by sending electronic invitations and electronic reminders.