Home Business 6 Strategies to Find the Best Local Plumber

6 Strategies to Find the Best Local Plumber


There are plenty of DIY style jobs around the job that most people can successfully tackle, but then there are those jobs that really are best left to professionals. One of those jobs that isn’t always advisable to try yourself are issues concerning plumbing.

Plumbing issues can start out relatively minor but become rather big rather quickly, especially if you try to fix it and you don’t know what you’re doing. This is exactly why plumbers exist, and why they are so helpful to homeowners.

Plumbers can help with various issues in your kitchen, laundry room, and washrooms and have everything up and running smoothly in a timely manner. So if you’re convinced it’s time to call on a plumber, we’ve got five tips to keep in mind that will help you find the right one for your needs.

1. Read Reviews and Ask Around


One of the best ways to find a reputable plumber is to ask family and friends if they have anyone they can recommend. Word of mouth is a fantastic way to find a trades person and then you will be able to ask them about their direct experience with the plumber.

If you aren’t able to get recommendations from family and friends, you can always check local online groups or review sites like Yelp to get feedback from others.

2. Ask How Long They Have Been in the Business

It’s also a good idea to ask the plumber how long they have been in the business. There’s a good chance you won’t want to go with the brand new plumber, especially if you have a rather large and involved job. You can even ask for specifics to ensure they have done jobs like yours before.

3. Ask About Certifications and Accreditations

This is a very important tip when shopping around for a plumber. You want to be sure that they aren’t just doing this on the side without the necessary training. Ask for the plumber’s accreditations and certifications to ensure they are qualified.

4. Is the Plumber Insured?

While you don’t want to think of anything bad happening, the fact is that sometimes jobs can go wrong which can lead to damage in the home. This is why it’s important to ask if the plumber is insured. This will give you peace of mind that should anything go wrong or be damaged, they will be able to cover it.

5. How About the Particulars – Hours, Costs, Free Quotes and Timing

The final thing you will want to ask about is the particulars. This covers a variety of things such as the hours of operation, how fast they can come out to your home, whether they offer a free quote, what their cost will be to complete the job, and how long the job will take. Unfortunately with plumbing issues they can often occur at the most inconvenient times, like a leak in the late hours of the night. There are many plumbers out there that offer 24/7 emergency service, meaning they will be able to come out immediately.

Also part of the particulars is customer satisfaction. Ask them how they approach customer satisfaction, will they come back until you are satisfied with what they have done? If not what will happen if the job isn’t done to your complete satisfaction.

6. Making Sure You Find the Best of the Best

Plumbing issues are never fun to deal with in the home, and often they require immediate attention. Before you just call the first plumber out of the phone book though, you may want to take a bit of time and make use of these tips so you can find the best of the best.