Home Business 4 Renovation Criteria For Wood Flooring

4 Renovation Criteria For Wood Flooring


You are installing new floor in a room on your home and after a lot of thought and research you settle on hardwood flooring. While this is a smart choice, your decisions are not over yet.

There are still many things to consider as hardwood flooring comes in many types. Below are factors to consider when choosing wood flooring for your home and being conscious of them will ensure you get the one you want.

1. Room type

The type of room you are having flooring installed in will largely drive which kind you choose. While some types of flooring are universal regarding where they can go, others are unsuitable due to aesthetic or health reasons.

If you are having flooring installed in a bathroom or kitchen, vinyl and tile are popular because they are moisture-resistant and easy to clean. For high traffic areas such as bedrooms, hallways, and living rooms, wood and carpet are preferred because of the variety they offer and they look elegant. For basements, real hardwoods should be avoided as the moisture typically found in basements can lead to buckling and subsequent damage. Similarly, carpet in bathrooms should be avoided as they are harder to clean and are not as sanitary.

2. Climate

Many homeowners do not take into account the climate they live in when choosing which floors they want installed. However, the reality is, temperatures can greatly affect your floors and how they look and feel.

For warmer climates, tile, vinyl, and hardwoods are recommended due to them being cooler on the feet. For cooler climates, carpet will be warmer but if you insist on a harder surface, heaters can be installed underneath them to make them cozier on the feet. No matter what climate you live in, real and engineered hardwood floors need space around the parameters to expand and contract with changing temperatures. Otherwise it will buckle and you will be left with a damaged floor.

3. Maintenance

The flooring in your home needs to be cleaned and maintained periodically. The one you choose will significantly influence how much effort you need to put into the job and how often you need to do it.

Vinyl and engineered wood surfaces are durable and can be cleaned with a broom, a damp mop, and a touch of soap. Tile surfaces are similar but the grout between the tiles may need some extra effort to get clean. Real hardwood is also easy to clean but extra moisture should be avoided and you may be required to refinish it every few years due to deep scratches. Carpet can be vacuumed regularly but often holds dirt, debris, pet hair, and moisture that can wreak havoc on people with allergies.

4. Lifestyle

Choosing the wrong type of flooring for your lifestyle could mean damage and increased maintenance that will cost you time and money. Therefore, you need to be mindful of this factor to ensure you choose the flooring you need.

If you have pets, you will want a surface that is resistant to scratching and easy to maintain when they get a bit rambunctious or track mud into the house. These include vinyl, engineered hardwood, and to a certain extent, tile. Real hardwood tends to get scratched and carpet can be harder to maintain and often holds pet hair and dander in its fibres. If you have small children, choose a durable surface that will also not be affected by food and drink spills. Most people with children choose vinyl because it is tough and messes are easy to clean up.