5 Reasons Not to Move to a Foreign Country

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A desire for independence might appear much before you are ready to move out of your country and start a new life. This desire is quite normal. But, does it mean that, if you want to have more freedom and opportunities, you strictly need to move abroad and get away from home? Perhaps it means, however, there are many reasons why it’s best to be at home, and this list will bring you some of those reasons. Before making such a decision, a person must know whether he or she is ready to move out from their country, leave family and friends, and all memories. It is necessary to consider three important questions to be answered, the first of which is: Why do I want to leave home? The second is certainly: Am I ready? While third is: What is my goal? Only when we have complete answers to all three questions, and when we are aware that moving to a foreign country will give us much more than we have now, only then we should take that step. Perhaps, after reading this text, you realize that it’s still not time and it is the best to stay at home. However, if you are still persistent in your decision, make sure to check out the Movers Winnipeg. But, some of the reasons why you should not move abroad are:

  1. You might lose all your friends

Yes, there is definitely something called “friends for life”, but are you sure you will be the lucky one and preserve your precious friendships from the long distance. Once you move abroad, you get to meet new people at school or at work, and it is likely that you will forget your old ones. And, if you are older, meeting new people is not easy at all.

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  1. Long distance relationships are hard to keep

Similarly like with friends, if you are in a relationship, and you don’t plan to move out with your girlfriend or boyfriend, make sure to be aware of the fact that long distance relationships are hard to keep. Impossible is nothing, are there are certainly cases of couples that succeeded, but there are many couples that did not.

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  1. You will experience trouble fitting in

No matter what people say, fitting in is not easy. If you move to a country with different culture, different customs, different language, you will have so many new things to learn and to get adjusted to. And, you will always be a foreigner to them, no matter how hard you try.

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  1. You will miss everything from home

Seriously, everything. Even some small and irrelevant things, such as that bench where you had your first kiss. People who move abroad tend to romanticize everything back home, and besides missing your friends and family, you will experience some moments of crying without even knowing why.

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  1. You will become a foreigner even at your home

When you leave your home country nothing stops and people continue living their lives and many things change. However, you will not be in pace with all of those changes, and when you come back home, it will be hard to be familiar with everything. You will become too foreign for home, and that is probably one of the worst sides of moving abroad.

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5 Biggest Natural Disasters in the World

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Nature has been turning more and more often against the human race in recent decades. As a reason for this, scientists argue that this is all because of the negligence towards the planet Earth and that it has given us the same kind of catastrophes that pertain to millions of lives in the world. Although thanks to modern technologies we can know about their arrival, we are powerless under the rampage of nature fury. Unfortunately, these are disasters of huge proportions, and they affect the environment and temperatures globally, being the reason why we need air conditioning Oshawa more than ever. The latest in a series of disasters that hit the planet in recent years, the Japanese one has raised the public’s question of how human relations with Mother Nature are, and people are scared by the possible scenario of a major nuclear disaster. It is why the governments of many countries have decided to re-examine their views on nuclear energy. We are more and more often faced with the claims that the time periods between disasters and destructive natural disasters are constantly decreasing. Natural disasters arise as a result of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, landslides, typhoons, tsunamis. The number of natural disasters has doubled over the past 15 years, and in 2012 it was a record. Scientists claim that the number of natural disasters is likely to double in the next 20 years. Let’s look at what are the biggest natural disasters that the country has ever encountered in history.

  1. Great floods in China

Great floods of the two largest Chinese rivers, Yangtze and Huang Ho (Yellow River) during July and August 1931 took between 2.5 and 4 million lives. However, people did not only die from drowning, but also because of the effects of floods, such as illness and hunger that occurred afterward.

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  1. Earthquake in the Tangshan

The earthquake in the Tangshan province of China in 1976, which had a strength of 7.8 per Richter took 242,000 lives according to official data, but the unofficial one is significantly higher and ranges from about 655,000 dead due to this catastrophe.

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  1. Cyclone Bol in East Pakistan

The cyclone Bol in the East Pakistan, now Bangladesh from 1970 was a devastating cyclone in the delta of the Ganges that caused the death of about half a million people. However, people believe that the number of victims is actually much higher than the official data.

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  1. Earthquake and tsunami in the Indian Ocean

The earthquake and tsunami that occurred in 2004, in the Indian Ocean, was a devastating earthquake of magnitude 9.0 per Richter, and it also triggered a tsunami that plagued many countries on the Indian Ocean coasts and took between 225 and 275,000 lives.

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  1. Earthquake in Haiyuan District

The earthquake in the Chinese district of Haiyuan in 1920, with the strength of 7.8 per Richter caused deaths of between 200 and 270,000 thousand people. It is estimated that the official data is even bigger, being the reason why this is one of the biggest natural disasters that has ever happened in history.

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9 Longest Rivers in the World

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The importance of water in everyday life should not be taken for granted, as water can freely be considered as one of the most important factors. It is why people today do everything they can to protect the environment and to save the water, as they are aware of its importance. It is why there are different water treatment systems nowadays. On the other side, there are rivers, one of the most important nature gifts for people around the world.  For many of them, rivers are much more than water itself. People have inhabited the banks and springs of rivers from the earliest times because they supplied them with drinking water they needed for everyday life, provided protection, and were often the only means of transport. The countryside along the river was and still is of great importance: river valleys are often very fertile, which enables rich harvest, especially suitable for growing vines and fruits, and the climate is very mild. All this made it possible for settlements to grow into cities, as the foundations for economic and cultural have been established and created the development of the entire region. Rivers have always been considered beneficial for humanity and the beauty and experience of landscapes shaped by rivers have always fascinated and driven people.

  1. Amazon River

Amazon is the longest river in the world, and its length in kilometers is estimated to be around 6,992. The Amazon flows in the following countries: Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, and Guyana.

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  1. Nile River

With the length of 6,650 kilometers or 4,132 miles, Nile River is the second longest river, and it is the primary water resource for Egypt and Sudan.

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  1. Mississippi River

Mississippi is 6,275 kilometers long, and it flows mainly in the United States with a very small part that flows in Canada.

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  1. Yenisei River

This Russian river is 5,539 kilometers long, which equals 3,445 miles, and a very small part of it flows in Mongolia. It represents the largest river system flowing to the Arctic Ocean.

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  1. Congo River

Congo River has the length of 4,700 kilometers which is 2,922 miles, and besides being one of the longest, it is also the world’s deepest river with measured depths in excess of 220 meters or 720 ft.

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  1. Amur River

This river that forms the border between the Russian Far East and Northeastern China is also one of the longest rivers in the world, with the length of 4,444 kilometers, that is 2,763 miles.

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  1. Lena River

With the length of 4,472 kilometers or 2,779 miles, Lena River that flows in Russia is the third biggest river in Asia and has the 9th largest catchment area.

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  1. Mekong River

The Mekong is a trans-boundary river in Southeast Asia, with the estimated length of 4,350 kilometers, that is, 2,703 miles.

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  1. Mackenzie River

The Mackenzie River is 1,738 kilometers or 1,080 miles long. It is the longest river system in Canada, and one of the most important rivers for this area.

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6 Good Reasons to Laugh More Often

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The science has not undoubtedly proven that laughter is truly healing, but each of us knows that it is certainly not harmful. It obviously improves the mood, and therefore the quality of life. If you feel somehow shaken, try to laugh more. Some experts think that laughter could be the best medicine to help us feel better and give us freshness and rest. A good sense of humor, a positive attitude, and support from friends can also contribute to feeling well and overcoming some of the most difficult moments in life. However, in order to laugh more often and to be happy with your smile, you will also need to visit a dentist or orthodontist, to make sure that, in addition to a nice smile you get to have precious teeth. Laughter is one of the oldest forms of expression and means of communication among people, and it has been proven that some animals also laugh. There is also an old saying that couples who laugh together stay together, and this is definitely not a fiction but a truth. American psychologists conducted an interesting “love” research and found that couples who turn to humor in stressful situations better deal with problems and are more satisfied, and their relationships are long-lasting. Let’s look at some of the good reasons to laugh as much as possible.

  1. Burning calories

Scientists at Vanderbilt University in Nashville conducted a small study to measure how much calories are burnt by laughing. It turned out that 10 to 15 minutes of laughter can burn 50 calories. Impressive, right?

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  1. Blood vessels

A study carried out at the University of Maryland found that, while laughing, blood vessels spread and shrink with ease, as opposed to the moments when we are sad or angry when they tend to become circular, which interfere with the normal flow of blood.

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  1. Immune system

Increased stress is associated with a reduced function of the immune system. Some studies have shown that humor can raise the level of antibodies that fight against infections and lift the strength of the immune system’s activity.

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  1. Blood sugar level

One study of people with diabetes dealt with how laughter influences the level of blood sugar. After the meal, the group listened to a boring lecture. The other day they watched a comedy after having the same lunch. After the comedy, all members of the group had a lower blood sugar level than after listening to the lectures.

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  1. Relaxation and sleep

It is interesting to know that people who spend a day in laughter, hanging out with people they love, reading interesting books, or watching comedies tend to fall asleep much easier and to rest properly than people who go through a lot of stress during the day.

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  1. Laughter is the best painkiller

The most important effect of laughter on health is the ability to relieve pain. Numerous studies conducted on people who suffered from pain or discomfort showed that these people did not suffer as much pain while they were laughing.

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There are many reasons to laugh more, and the list brought you some of the most important. In general, if you don’t benefit from laughter, it definitely won’t worsen your situation. So, laugh more and laugh as much as you can!

8 Interesting Facts about Divorce

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Depending on your viewpoint and depending on the circumstances, divorce may be both; the best and the worst thing that has ever happened in your life. It can be the best when it is an end to a physical or mental torture from one of the partners, or when you simply outgrow the marriage and you decide you want something else in your life. The worst thing is when it happens after a long and happy marriage because one partner has stopped loving another or found a new lover. Anyways, it is inevitable to mention that divorces are painful, mentally exhausting. There are many things you should focus on when it comes to divorce, and one of the most important is to find a good divorce lawyer. If you have children, make sure to leave them out of all unnecessary things, but be completely honest with them. And, yes, don’t remember that sun will shine again, no matter what. Let us see what are some of the most interesting facts about divorce.

Fact 1

According to the survey of the National Center for Health Statistics that was conducted in on American men and women aged 15-44 in 2002, living together before getting married makes you more vulnerable to divorce.

Fact 2

It has been proven that people who are in their second marriages are less likely to divorce. Obviously, their previous experience makes them smarter when it comes to the choice of their second partner. One of the studies done on the topic is the study by Marriage Foundation.

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Fact 3

Believe it or not, there are some places in this world where divorce is illegal. Those places are, as you may probably imagine, the Vatican City and the Philippines. They don’t recognize the divorce, but they recognize annulment of marriages.

Fact 4

One survey regarding divorces in the UK that asked 2,000 UK men and women about their feelings over divorce found out that almost half of them regretted their decision eventually. So, be smart!

Fact 5

It has been estimated that, in the United States, the period to remarry after the divorce is different when it comes to men and women. Approximately, it takes 3.1 years for women to remarry after a divorce, while the time for men to remarry is around 3.3 years.

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Fact 6

If a wife is two or three years older than her husband, that marriage is not likely to last, as it is likely to last in the cases of when husbands are two or three years older than their wives. A research that has proven this was done by the University of Melbourne.

Fact 7

If you think that your lavish and extravagant wedding guarantees that your marriage will be long-lasting, you are wrong. According to a research, eight in ten couples who divorce within five years cite spending too much on the wedding as a reason.

Fact 8

When it comes to professions with highest divorce rates, it has been estimated that dancers, bartenders, massage therapists, and choreographers have the highest divorce rates, while agricultural engineers are least likely to divorce.

