5 Tips for Choosing the Right Insurance Broker

business insurance cover

Having worked hard to establish and grow your business, you need to take measures to protect yourself from a sudden turn of events that could wipe it all away. This is where insurance comes in. However, picking the right insurance product is no walk in the park. You need a business insurance broker to help you navigate the terrain of risks related to your business. This is why picking the right broker is a make or break affair. If you’re asking yourself “how do I pick between business insurance brokers near me?”, here are some tips to help you along.

  1. Referrals and References
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It is prudent for you to do due diligence before committing to working with a broker.  You can start by finding out from others who have dealt with the company whether they are satisfied with the services.  You can go further and check online for reviews from such sources as Yelp and Better Business Bureau to help you get the best brokers in your area. Insist that prospective brokers provide testimonials or references from their clients. A reputable insurance broker should be able to provide evidence of their track record.

  1. Decision on The Coverage You Need
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You may have a rough idea of the coverage you need. However, a good broker should be able to make it easier for you to pick what will work best for your business. Identify at least three prospective brokers you may want to work with. You will need to come up with some specifications of what you require. Make sure to be ready with information about your business before you book an appointment with each of brokers you identified. The insurance broker will review the information you present. They will advise you on the best coverage and what it will cost you in terms of premiums.

  1. Other considerations
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You will need to put into consideration other things apart from what you pay for the service.  You will need to check the quality of the customer service that they offer.  What is their turnaround time for the requests you have put across – timeliness and courtesy are key.  The broker you choose should be accessible to you and helpful.  They should be willing to share pertinent information to ease the process of getting the right insurance cover. Ensure you get a broker who will make you feel liberated not constrained and bogged down with unnecessary details and requirements. You should be comfortable with your insurance broker – after all, they are working for you!

  1. Personalized Advice
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What sets a good insurance broker apart from the rest is their ability to give you ‘extras’.  For example, you will need to know all details related to your insurance policy and how your property may be affected. You should expect your broker to know the different types of policies and coverages in the market. This way they will be able to guide you based on the uniqueness of your needs. From your broker, you should get tips on how to minimize insurance costs and maximize your protection.

  1. Specialized Experience
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Depending on the nature of the business you are in, you might want to get a broker who specializes in that area. Every niche industry has some nuances that might be missed by a general broker. Make sure to ask prospective brokers about their experience with businesses in your industry.

Use the above tips to get the best insurance broker Calgary.

7 Tips for Efficient Equipment Inventory Management

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The equipment you use in your business is a vital part of your operations. But are you making the most out of it? Below we go over some tips on improving productivity and efficiency with proper equipment inventory management.

  1. Take Stock of What You Have
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Do you know what exactly you have in your equipment inventory? You may be well aware of your most valuable pieces of equipment, but do you know the combined value of everything you own? The value of all your equipment may be higher than you expect. You should have an updated overview of all your assets that includes the value, capabilities, and location.

  1. How Is the Equipment Used?
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You need to establish exactly how equipment is used. In this regard, you need to establish who uses the equipment, how often they use it, and when and where it is used. Doing this will enable you to make informed equipment strategy decisions.

  1. Right Asset, Right Time, Right Place
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Do you have multiple locations? How do you divide your equipment between them? While it would probably make sense to divide the equipment equally between your locations, the demand may not be the same for every location. You need to deploy your equipment where it is needed most to avoid redundancy.

  1. Make Smarter Purchases
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Ensure that the right equipment is available at the right time. One way to do this would be to buy more of every piece of equipment. However, this would result in a lot of wastage since some of the extra pieces of equipment would be lying idle in storage. For this reason, you should prioritize spending on equipment based on the 3 points above. This way, you will get the most bang for your buck.

  1. Be Proactive with Maintenance
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It is better to spend time on regular maintenance rather than having to repair your assets once in a while. Equipment has the tendency of breaking down at the worst possible time. For this reason, you need to plan your maintenance ahead of time. The equipment that is most frequently used should be maintained more often than the equipment used only once in a while. Some of your equipment will also require regular calibration for accurate readings. Avoid following a fixed maintenance schedule for all equipment. Instead, prioritize based on usage.

  1. Sort Out Underlying Issues
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Sometimes equipment breaks down repeatedly due to underlying issues such as broken power outlets, employees who are not properly trained, or negligence. If equipment keeps breaking down, then you might want to sort out these issues instead of scratching the surface by fixing the machine itself. Ignoring the underlying issues will keep you in a costly loop that might never end even after purchasing new equipment.

  1. Do Not Skimp on Quality
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When purchasing machinery, either as a replacement or an upgrade, you need to go for the best quality you can afford. Go for brands with the least issues. You might want to talk to the employees who use the machines most often to get an idea of what to look out for.

The 5 Benefits of Loft Conversions


Like most homeowners, you probably have a hard time deciding between storage and living space. After all, space does come at a premium and you have to make the most use of every inch of your home. Converting your roof space to a loft adds more room and functionality to your living area. That’s not all – you also get to give your home an updated look.

If you’re more enterprising, you can hive off a section of your house and put up loft apartments for rent. Clearly, lofts come with a host of benefits, let’s explore some of them below.

5 Tips to Help You Select the Right Field Management Software

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Need to purchase field service management software?

Whatever your reasons for making the purchase, one thing is for sure – you need to eliminate the unexpected and increase your chances of success significantly during the purchase process. Below are some of the best practices for purchasing field service software for small business.

  1. Understand the Business Case
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For your field service team to have the kind of impact you desire, you will need to invest time and money. You need to understand, communicate, document and justify the business case for the new system. This simply means understanding what exactly you want to achieve by investing in the software. You will need to communicate your objectives to the vendor so that they can tailor the solution to your unique use-case. Identify the business processes that need improvement and determine how success is measured for each process.

  1. Compare
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There are tons of field service management systems available in the market. This can make it a bit difficult to select what will work for your business. This is not made any easier by the fact that they all sound and look the same. The process of selecting the best solution for your business will involve more than investigating what the system does. What’s more important is how the system operates. This will help bring out the differences and weaknesses that may not be apparent. Pick a system that operates in a way that will be suitable for your use case. Make sure to include your team in the selection as they might provide insight that you may not be able to. You should also prepare a list of must-have and good-to-have features.

  1. Engage the Field Technicians
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Your field technicians will be the ones interacting with the system and customers on the ground. They are also most familiar with the processes involved to record work. You should involve them in the purchase process from the word go. Doing this will reduce or eliminate resistance to the new system and might also uncover some great ideas about how to get things done in a much better way.  Start off by identifying technicians that will represent a cross-section of the whole fleet to serve on the new software committee. Make sure to get their views on the mobile device strategy.

  1. References
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This is an often-ignored step in the software selection process. It’s easy to let your enthusiasm over a new vendor cloud your judgment and forget to seek out reviews from people who have actually used the system in question. Call organizations that use the system and ask as many questions as possible. Write down the list of questions before making the calls. You should make sure to find out how long they have been using the system and whether they have experienced any hitches. Ask them what they think about the vendor and their support.

  1. Training
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Field service management software systems are not made equal. Therefore, your team will need to be trained on how to use the new system. This should be planned for accordingly. Have an implementation team leader who will work hand in hand with the vendor during the training process. Communication lines between you and your service team should be open throughout the roll-out phase and after.

How to Prepare Your Small Business for a Buyout

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You have worked hard to build your company from scratch and you are now ready to sell it off and move to the next challenge. Congratulations! You have done what many people only dream of. Selling your business is a big deal, and this is why you need to get it right the first time out. Here are some tips on how to sell a small business.

  1. Be Clear About Your Reason for Selling
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You need to be clear about the reason for selling off the business. Don’t just sell it on a whim. Do your due diligence to understand the implications of the sale. You need to think beyond the amount of money you stand to make. Think about how it will impact your career, the company’s future, and your brand. Take your time to learn more about the prospective buyers. This will ensure you seal the deal with someone who is capable of taking over the work you have done and making something better out of it.

  1. Sort Out Pending Business Issues
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The sale process is complex and could take a long time. It is, therefore, important for you to do your due diligence before the commencement of the process. Sort out any pending company matters and make sure the accounts are in order. Make sure you have all the paperwork needed to complete the sale. No one wants to buy a company laden with bad debt or whose systems are out of date. Document your procedures and policies to make it easier for the buyer to understand the business. Invest in systems that can measure your key metrics and keep your employees accountable.

  1. Involving the Experts
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It is important to have the right people by your side before and during the sale. They include investment bankers, tax advisors, and attorneys. They are best placed to handle any commercial litigation and transactions that may arise. They will also be able to give an honest assessment of the business and ensure you meet all legal requirements.  These experts will provide insights regarding the sale of the business that you might have missed. With their expertise, you will be able to maximize the value of your business and get a bigger payoff.

  1. Involve Your Management Team
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The management team in your company has played a vital role in shaping the company to what it is today. Therefore, involving them can make the sale easier. Also, the new owner may be interested in retaining some of the staff in management. By keeping them involved and informed about the sale, you prepare them for the transition.

  1. Understand Your Company’s Narrative
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You need to work closely with PR and marketing experts to ensure that your company has a compelling story to offer when it is being sold. During the period of the sale you, your company, and employees are in the spotlight. Your company’s narrative is important in creating confidence among potential buyers, your employees, and other stakeholders.

This is how to sell a small business

6 Best Home Decorating Software

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If you plan to buy and arrange your new home, or if you plan to make some changes in the one you already have, make sure to read this list. Wouldn’t it be great if you could see how the new piece of furniture or layout would look in the house before spending money on shopping and investing effort and time to finally make some changes in your interior? With the help of software that is very easy to use, you can see how your design ideas would look in your house. The good thing about most of these software programs is that you can use them without any knowledge of the spatial planning or software in general. Also, these programs have the simplicity of achieving more than one task, and most importantly, all the programs on the list that we prepared for you are free – try the colors, move the walls, arrange your furniture – all without the need to purchase anything in advance. On the other side, if you run a business that deals with decorating or equipment, you will definitely need a field service management software, so make sure to check it out. But first, let us learn more about some of the best home decorating software.

  1. Roomstyler 3D Home Planner (My Deco 3D Planner)

With Roomstyler 3D Home Planner, you can enter your apartment plan or edit some of the apartments offered in the program. The planner allows you to insert walls, doors, windows, and to turn walls and ceilings into a wide range of colors.

  1. IKEA Home Planner

The IKEA Home Planner allows you create your own kitchen, a bathroom or a home office, all according to your needs and preferences. The program is easy to use and allows you to create a room plan, with the pieces of furniture and decor from the Ikea Gallery. In the end, you can also calculate how much money you need for everything you plan.

  1. Design my room

With this program, you will not have to store dozens of sample materials from stores to try them out in your space. Design my Room allows you to select a room in your home that you will edit and then decide on a style (modern, traditional, or fusion styles) and to play with colors and textures.

  1. Autodesk Homestyler

Autodesk is renowned for professional design, 3D animation and rendering programs (“AutoCAD”, “REVIT” and “3ds Studio Max”), but it also offers a splendid Homestyler program for interior or home decoration.

  1. Planner 5D

Planner 5D is an excellent program for designing some elements, such as windows, stairs, and similar things. However, what makes this program different from others is the fact that you can also design some exterior elements, such as pools.

  1. RoomSketcher

Simple and free in its basic version, RoomSketcher will give you the ability to design only one room or the entire apartment. It comes with a large collection of existing pieces of furniture that you simply drag to the position in the plan, so you can easily arrange the space, change the layout of the furniture and eventually capture the 3D image of the space.

How to Get a Loan with Bad Credit

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When you have bad credit, getting a loan can be one of the hardest things to do. The good news is that it is not impossible. This is because there are lenders who understand that sometimes finances get complicated leaving you with bad credit. While you may have fewer options when compared to someone with good credit, it is not impossible for you to get a loan.

There are loans tailored for people with bad credit. All you need to do is take your time when searching to ensure you find the best service provider for your needs. Here are timely tips for getting loans for people with bad credit.

  1. Go for Secured Loans
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Secured loans are great options for those with bad credit. This is because the lenders feel more secure dishing out such loans. To get this loan, you are expected to offer one of your assets as security. This can be in the form of a house or car or whatever else the lender may prescribe. The lender can always recover their money by selling off your asset in case you default on the loan.

  1. Joining A Credit Union
Credit: Peter Clarke at English Wikipedia

Joining a credit union is a great idea if you have bad credit. Credit unions operate as banks but do not use your bad credit as an excuse not to lend you money. The tricky part is convincing these credit unions to make you a member. While they may not be too concerned about your bad credit, factors like where you live, or work, and even where you went to school play a big role in determining whether or not you become a member.

  1. Getting A Co-Signer
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When you have a co-signer, the interest rate of the loan you get will be dependent on the credit rating of your co-signer. Therefore, you need to find someone with a good credit rating to be your co-signer. You need to understand that your co-signer is also responsible for the loan repayment. When you default, it reflects badly on them. Make sure to repay your loan in full to avoid getting your cosigner into trouble.

  1. Online Lenders
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You should consider getting a loan from online lenders if you have bad credit. These are non-bank lenders and are more willing to lend out money to people with bad credit ratings. You can get short terms loans or long term loans online. The interest rates will vary from one lender to the other. You can check and compare rates before settling on the most ideal lender for your needs.

  1. Peer to Peer Lenders
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P2P lenders are also great options when it comes to loans for people with bad credit. Peer to peer lenders are simply people who loan out money to other people. You will be required to pay back with interests, sometimes higher than banks. Even so, these loans are easy to get and do not require collateral. These lenders do not hinge their decision to loan you money on your credit rating.

5 Reasons to Start Green Cleaning

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When buying home cleaning products, it’s important to pay attention to the ingredients that are found in them. Conventional laundry and home cleaning products often contain extremely toxic ingredients that are harmful to the environment, animal life and human health. If you want your home to be clean and not to poison yourself and your environment with chemical cleaning products, plus saving money, get rid of the cleaning products that contain dangerous chemicals. Keep the cleanliness of your home naturally, as your grandmothers did. There are many simple recipes to make your own products, in most of the cases with baking soda, lemon, and vinegar. However, if you do not have time to make your cleaning products, consider purchasing products that are 100% natural, do not contain harmful substances and are not dangerous to the environment. There are more and more janitorial services dealing with this type of cleaning, and if you usually hire these services due to a lack of time, make sure to get one that deals with green cleaning. This list will bring you some good reasons to get rid of chemical products from your home, so make sure to check it out.

  1. No harmful ingredients

Ecological cleaners are made without harmful ingredients. They do not contain aggressive toxic ingredients and do not irritate the skin thanks to herbal ingredients. They do not contain petroleum products, do not leave traces of chemicals on the dishes, floors, or harmful substances on clothes.

  1. They are as effective as conventional cleaners

If your justification for still not using the eco cleaners is the fact that those conventional ones clean better, be aware that is not true. Ecological cleaning products are as effective as conventional ones, although they are made on a plant basis. They use exclusively plant raw materials from renewable sources such as starch, cellulose, rapeseed oil, palm and coconut oil and essential oils of orange peel.

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  1. They protect your environment

We only have one planet, and we should be really careful how we treat it. Even the smallest thing matters, and we should always start from our home. The eco cleaning products themselves are biodegradable and thus protect our environment, while their packaging is also made from biodegradable materials.

  1. They clean without aggressive odors

Herbal and mineral ingredients protect your health and the health of your skin and respiratory tract. Unlike conventional cleaners that contain very aggressive odors, ecological products are pleasant, herbal scents, and your house will be much more fresh and clean when using them.

  1. It is easier to clean your home with eco cleaning products

Ecological cleaning products create less soap, making them much easier and faster to wash, and they are capable of cleaning better than the conventional ones, as their foam does not actually clean your dishes. They remove grease and stubborn stains without scraping. They were not tested on animals. They have ecological certificates as a quality assurance component.

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We surely know you don’t need more reasons to give up on chemicals starting today and begin using these eco cleaning products. Our environment and our health are precious, so we should do anything we can to protect them.

5 Best Jobs without a University Degree

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The diploma of a higher education institution gives more profits and possibilities, although sometimes it’s easier to get hired and earn well with a secondary education. While in the past some of the “not so good” students used to attend some crafting training sessions, while some others were the ones who got to enroll the prestigious schools and faculties, and thus quickly got the job, the situation on the labor market today is completely different. Higher education is available to almost everyone, and every year we become richer for more than a thousand of new economists, managers, and lawyers, who, unfortunately, fail to find work in their profession. Contrary to them, many people with secondary education who, immediately after completing their school, began to improve their acquired knowledge and skills now have quite decent salaries with constant work engagement. Today, there are a lot of professions that are very well paid, and you do not need a university degree or higher education in order to be successful in performing them. Those jobs include online teaching, tutoring, babysitting, call centers, and many others. The only thing you need is the basic knowledge you acquired in high school, which is further enriched and perfected through continuous and dedicated work. In the list below, find out about some of the best jobs you can do without a university degree.

  1. Cook

Professional chefs make very good profits, and chefs in hotels and good restaurants earn very good salaries. Of course, the better the hotel or restaurant is, the higher their earnings are. In addition, chefs can also be engaged in numerous private celebrations where they can generate additional income, the amount of which will depend on individual arrangements with the organizer of the celebration.

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  1. Bookkeeper

The bookkeepers can always find a well-paid job if they have any experience in this area. A huge number of bookkeepers are very successful in doing their job even though they have not completed an accounting course at the Faculty of Economics. Most of them start working after finishing secondary school, and many also come to work after completing a course for accountants.

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  1. Manicure

If you are a social network user, you have probably noticed the expansion of profiles and pages created to promote the work of many manicures in the last few years. The demand for manicures grows year after year, and many of them who work this job for years earn high profits. You don’t need a degree, just a good training or practice.

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  1. Personal trainer

A personal trainer is a very demanding occupation today, and it is not necessary to complete a college or university in order to become one. If you are practicing sports for many years or have experience in this, there are numerous training courses where you can obtain a certificate for a personal trainer. The great success in this business is achieved by former athletes who have a lot of experience behind themselves, but who also built their name, and are famous for their success.

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  1. Masseur/masseuse

To become a masseur or masseuse, although desirable, a high school physiotherapist diploma is not required. Today, you have a number of training sessions for this profession, and therefore there are many opportunities for employment, starting from a private salon, through work in wellness and spa centers, employment in a sports club, gym or fitness centers.

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6 Best Jobs with No Experience Needed

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If you do not have a required work experience behind you, do not be discouraged because this list brings you jobs you can work without previous experience needed. However, you should be aware of the fact that experience does not necessarily mean paid work. Regardless of the fact that you do not have the necessary experience in the field of work for which you want to apply, your credentials include all the skills you have gained during schooling, volunteering, part-time work, as well as all other interests. During all these activities, you have acquired certain skills and it is now time to highlight them. A cover letter is an interview before the interview. Speak in your voice and style instead of simply counting certain things, like in your CV. Indicate what motivated you to apply for the job, state and explain your relevant skills, link them to the job requirements, and in the conclusion point out why you are just the right person for the job you are looking for. Although it does not seem like that, there are many jobs that you can work without previous experience, and these jobs can even include positions such as online English teacher, courier, customer service representative, and many others. If you are looking for one such job, carefully read this list, because it will bring you some more ideas.

  1. Delivery

The only thing you need for this position is to have a driver’s license and to be familiar with the streets in the particular area you are required to cover. If you show such knowledge, you are definitely eligible for the job, even without previous experience.

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  1. Cashier

If you don’t mind dealing with a lot of people during the day and if you are good at dealing with money, the cashier position is suitable for you. You can even get the job at your local grocery store, without previously working at similar positions.

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  1. Waiter

Being a waiter requires being very good with people, knowing how to communicate, and to always be ready to act professionally, making sure your customers get the best possible service. If you can prove yourself to be that kind of a person, you will be more than eligible for the job.

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  1. Housekeeper

We all do the housekeeping work, especially those people who live alone, being the reason why almost everyone has such experience. It is why you can apply for the job, being sure you will do your best, as you don’t need a professional background to know how to dust, vacuum, wash, and clean.

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  1. Pet sitter

This job definitely does not require a professional experience, but it definitely requires a huge amount of love and patience when it comes to pets. If you are an animal lover, this may be the easiest, yet the best job you can find, and you will simply do what you love while being paid.

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  1. Babysitter

Same goes with babies; it is better in this case to have a professional experience, but if you don’t, just show how crazy, devoted, and passionate you are when it comes to these little creatures, and you will be more than eligible to become a babysitter!

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